Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Writing response Arts Exhibit

        While many of the art pieces from the galleries pieces were outstanding and full of powerful messages two artwork pieces stood out to me. The first is the return by  Elizabeth Jimenez and, the second is bonding with plastic By Olga Mercedes Bautista. These two art pieces stuck because of the vividness and the powerful messages behind the two pieces.
Elizabeth Jimenez Montelongo,
The return 2016 

The art piece shown is "The Return" by Elizabeth Jimenez. A little back ground on Elizabeth Jimenez.  Elizabeth is a meso-american artist who put her culture in her work. Also she puts her experiences as a Mexican American woman in her work. The return as an art piece speaks culture and femininity which are a problem in the present United States. In order to get ahead in the United States especially being a person of color you have to transform yourself.  To succeed  people have to fit into the status quo in order for their life to be successful and happy.  This art piece has plenty of relevance due to hate being constantly spewed towards people of her culture from the President. Another theme that is viewed is femininity, the piece seem to be in the shape of a uterus and in the uterus is a fetus and surrounded by an eye.  Many things could be said about this particular facet of the artwork.  The uterus is what  make a female a female. Is the epitome of being female and is the cradle of life, it is where life begins in all creatures. We live in a society where being a woman seems strange and having a uterus is a disadvantage.  Men in our society see women as trophies, they want to see how many women they can get under their belt,when women are so much more than that. The art piece shows that life starts with a woman and many men of society seems to forget that fact.  Elizabeth is changing the culture of society by  showing who she is through her artwork a mexian woman. "To truly change culture we must move past polemic"( Thompson 3). Elizabeth having two strikes against her  would be enough motivation for to keep her culture within her work no matter how hard society goes against her for being Mexican and a woman.
Olga Mercedes Bautista
Bonding with plastic 2019. The second art piece
       The second art piece is called" Bonding with plastic. The art speaks of the pollution taking over our world. The piece shoes three logs that are tattered  and bound together with plastic. The plastic is mixed with natural elements such as moss. This shows how much pollution has a become an ordinary part of our human experience. " Time and again  I have seen potent merger of art and activism transform  people's understanding of politics"(Thompson 1).  The art piece really opened the eyes of individuals  how series plastic pollution is. I used this quote for  the artpiece because as people view the art work the perspective towards plastic pollution should be more insightful. The items that the artist used to create the art piece were collected from hurricane sandy. Hurricane Sandy was  approximately seven years ago to have that much plastic within the art from that long ago speaks volumes. The art piece displays advocacy for plastic pollution by the amount of plastics within the art piece that the plastic from seven years ago is still in tact and usable, that being said that plastic takes a long time to biodegrade. " The emphasis on public space speaks  to what one might call a geographic approach to ideas"(Thompson 2). Olga made the right decision to make an art piece such as the one in the picture in a place where pollution is very prevalent. Most pollution come from city populations. Whether the pollution is factories or the pollution is littering on the street, pollution even happen on the beaches of New Jersey which is how the trash end up in the ocean. Most of the trash comes from cities where skyscrapers graze the horizon and,the people who reside in the city has no regard for the planet that they live on.  Olga brings awareness where the problem originates.  I  hope when people see the art work they realize the damage they are causing to our dying planet. The pollution in the air and on the land is what is affecting the climate change and the wildlife on the land and sea.
        Works Cited:
Olga Mercedes Bautista.” Olga Mercedes Bautista,

Artist Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo: Artwork Inspired by Mesoamerican Culture.” Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo,

Thompson, Nato. Seeing Power: Art and Activism in the 21st Century. Melville House Publishing, 
External links:

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