Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Project Proposal

My final project will be revolving around the topics of depression and drug abuse, and I will use samples from the songs by The Weeknd to make a symphony from fragments of songs that embody and portray depressive nature and the blatant and direct presence of drug use and addiction.

My complaint is within the broad spectrum of society's interests some of the most controversial content is found woven into this day in the age of music. But the specific issue I want to address is I’m tired of Artists condoning and inadvertently promoting severe drug/substance abuse. The use of drugs usually isn’t for recreational use, it usually means you are trying to escape from something, and The Weeknd makes music about his life, habits, actions, thoughts, etc. while he is off of countless amounts of drugs (e.g. Cocaine, Marijuana, MDMA, Ecstacy, Molly, Shrooms, Cough Syrup, Xanax, Percocet,etc.)

As for making my project public, I will be posting my finished product on YouTube, Sound Cloud, Twitter, etc. using various hashtags such as #depression, mental health awareness, music therapy, etc. Also, I have recently tried to contact Clinical Social Workers/Therapists near my area hoping to acquire a reaction to my symphony from the Therapist, and maybe if the therapist allows one of her patients to listen and provide feedback as well. The therapists I have contacted are...


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