Wednesday, October 23, 2019


      For my midterm project I will be raising awareness in regards to the fight for legalization of medical marijuana in NJ. Experts have proved that marijuana has countless benefits that come from consuming the naturally grown herb. The compounds in marijuana are THC and CBD both having numerous uses and distinctive qualities. scientists all over the world have been doing research on cannabis for decades, however the world and the government most of all is just coming around the corner for the whole idea of marijuana actually helping people more than it can hinder someone. There are many issues dealing with legal, ethical, and societal implications associated with marijuania use. Also the issue of safe administration, packaging, and dispensing worry some people when it comes to the legalization of the drug. Some also fear that negative health consequences and deaths caused by marijuana intoxication will arise.  The truth is that the "drug" is actually a naturally grown flower provided by the earth just like many things that we use on a daily basis. Marijuania has also never killed anyone on record or off record, there is no component in marijuania that would cause an overdose.
       As of 2019 there are 29 states, including the capitol Washington D.C that have legalized the use of marijuana. Unfortunately the state that we all live in New Jersey has not legalized medical or recreational marijuana as of yet. The governor that we have now Phil Murphy is highly in favor of passing the law however I feel like the state of NJ still needs that extra push.  It is no surprise to me the the American public is actually extremely supportive of the idea of legalizing the flower. Studies have shown that 84% of the American public thinks that The drug should be legal for medical uses, and even recreational pot usage has been less controversial then records ever show with a staggering 61% of Americans in support of legalizing marijuana for recreational uses as well.
                     Image result for medical marijuana

 Only some of the benefits marijuana contributes to are listed below:

-muscle spasms
-improves lung capacity
- control or minimize epilepsy
-control or minimize seizures
- slows progression of Alzheimer’s disease
-treats arthritis

   The fact Is that there are many Benefits of consuming the drug marijuana. My only question is why are there so many people in jail for using it when the government is now making billions off of the drug legally selling it? It’s a waste of taxpayers money to keep Marijuana Users in jail when the money could be spent on reforming prisons or other things that are needed. For my project I will be showing how the government manipulates the public, and the people suffering for it in jail while the government makes money off of us. If it’s going to be legalized then I believe all the people in jail for   It should be freed.

Image result for medical marijuana Image result for medical marijuana

         Works Cited

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Marijuana as Medicine.” NIDA,

Bridgeman, Mary Barna, and Daniel T Abazia. “Medicinal Cannabis: History, Pharmacology, And Implications for the Acute Care Setting.” P & T : a Peer-Reviewed Journal for Formulary Management, MediMedia USA, Inc., Mar. 2017,

Mouhamed, Yara, et al. “Therapeutic Potential of Medicinal Marijuana: an Educational Primer for Health Care Professionals.” Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety, Dove Medical Press, 11 June 2018,

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