Sunday, October 27, 2019


Vaccination, every person should have one 

Image result for vaccination 

This topic i'm about to discuses with all of you is the conflict around the world over millions of people refusal to get vaccinated when there is an illness crisis happening in cities and towns because of that thousands of death happen to the elders to the children's. Its unsettling that deaths of the youth are cause by illness happen by people stubbornness to acquire actually help.
Across America, there are over millions that refuse to have an vaccination especially half of the population are parents who think it isn't necessary to assign their children with vaccinations. They are under the belief that getting vaccinated is utterly useless for their heath when fighting any kind of infections.  While many health departments had saved over 2.5 million lives with a high rate across the globe about 85% of children are saved, so why isn't the rest of the 15% are left out. 
It isn't out of finical problem, but more on that later,  but more like people opinions on vaccines are the one causes that spread infections to others and others think the medicine makes you bit ill and you quickly get sick of it as a result in other words people think getting vaccinated only worsen the infection.
It hard to believe that people don't even give it a chance get vaccinated to see the results of it, the medicine, here how it works, the medicine that enter our system has these molecules called antigens. Antigens job is to train our immune system in the genetic core so this can trigger all immune system forming strong barriers against Bactria and viruses. This case our cells become more caution when invaders, produce a lot of antibodies, stopping any pathogens before it spread out the sickness.
Getting vaccinated doesn't help one individual when a person gets vaccinated, they re doing a favor to the entire population in defense of illnesses. Every person who have been vaccinated has shown to have their health safe and secure and whats even more amazing outbreaks of sickness have decrease down to over a small percentage, even for those who hadn't taken a vaccine are almost shown to be well this is a phenomenon in what is called "community immunity".
With the entire population in one state with low disease outbreak then it is, it demonstrates to every citizen that the fear of a viral flu of any kind will be nothing more than a joke to them. Child vaccination prevents 732,000 child death per year but for only the ones who get vaccinated but as I said earlier since there is little outbreak non vaccinated kids will probably be a 32% chance they can get sick.
That said, non-vaccinated people died around six million per year, the most shocking thing about it that 1.5 million of the citizens are kids under the age of 5! This moment in the US a kid would suffer and die from an infection and knowing that can you imagine the fear, anxiety and loss the family are going through. Heartbreaking that we all knew it could have been stop but the sad truth is that most don't want to come to accept the blame.
I've had experience such a loss the rest of my family did, when writing this essay this came to me from a faint memories from childhood the one that in the back the far back of my memories bank that hadn't been touch upon until something like this came to remind you again. I sure you all had that happen before in your mind come back into your life once and a  while right. Here's how it happen, it was in around March 2008 were one of my relatives came from the half sided part of the family, and i don't recall where they've lived, came to stay in for a visit. they had a baby named Eli around three years old and she stayed in with us until they left in January 2009. The baby was lovable as with all  babies are my cousins were especially attach to here since she was stay in their apartment and what I can remember at the time when I saw everyone making joking and noises to entertain the baby and baby Eli laugh so much you cant help but be charm and fill with joy to it. Over the holidays was cozy as we took her to the festival on the Macy parades downtown, one time we went down to the dock side to the river were there were fireworks happening. Winter was especially heartwarming as she got to were adorable coats and sweaters and everyone else laugh and was having a good time and so was I. Then on Jan 2009 she was her parent took her back home and while on the plane she must have gotten sick by someone and because of her mother neglect on giving her vaccinated before they left Eli gotten sick like very sick, right after they reach her destination she had passed away. This heartbreaking for every one of my family which is why every signal year no matter what age has to get a vaccination on a infection going around it can happen anywhere on a bus, train, plane anywhere and death is likely to happen is the virus is strong or the victims have poor immune systems. Its important to get medicines form your doctors as they are saving your life they know what good for your immune system.

Thank You

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