Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Exhibition Visit Gallery

  This visitation opened my eyes to see different point of views on the values of art and how each artist describes their views on females, the environment and their views on street art. All these pantings or art work give us a sense of different themes weather it involves emotion, patriarchy, sexuality or rather just the matter of trying to understand the artist of what they are trying to make. Connecting us to see what they see in their work and trying to understand their point of view. Sowing different messages of activism on what society sees us this generation as and what they can create from it.

 Sergio G. Villamizarhome sweet home 2015 Photo-collage 

As I saw this picture in the gallery I researched about the artist, Sergio Villamizar. Sergio Villamizar is a Colombian-American photographer and printmaker. He describes in his picture stating “Today’s places also offer idealized bodies, comfort food and every imaginable product promising to make our lives better, to make us more desirable, better consumers...”(Villamizar,S 2015). Meaning that we as a society create this way of life they we grow comfortable with comfort. Including the way we as people become comfortable with the way life is, while also having the idea that everything we can get can make us and making our class levels. For example, when a middle class women get something that is out of her economic buying standard she becomes in others eye " wealthy" making others envies.
In the passage "Ways of Seeing" by John Berger he states "Alternatively the anxiety of which publicity plays is the fear that having nothing you will be nothing." meaning that whatever people create or purchase it continues to define what they are in the world and what they will later be known for. 

Elizabeth Jimenez Montelongo 

   The Return 
Charcoal, arylic and link on wood 

Elizabeth Jimenez a visual artist, poet, and teacher based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her artwork revolves around themes of identity and empowerment. I feel as though this piece was created to show us as the viewers that we as women are the creators of this world. We are the ones who create the next generation and we are the ones who are responsible for what is to come. This piece also relates to Bell Hooks readings on " Understanding Patriarchy" as we learn that the many times the mothers are the ones who also teach our children the new generation about patriarchy. Showing them that males are supposed to be aggressive and strong while the women are meant to be soft and house wives. Hooks makes a statement the first sentence of her novel "Patriarchy is the single most life threatening social disease assaulting the male body and spirit in our nation." Meaning that we as women or we as people are the ones who are also destroying the male idea that they are not able got feel and not able to express themselves causing most fo the time for them to feel like they have hid from their feelings and to become someone else. 
Josephine Barriero
Sticker Bombs, Reykjavik , Iceland
Metal Photo Print (Top)

Josephine Barriero
Metal Photo print ( bottom )

Barriero love for graffiti is shown in her art works as it also shows themes of abstract expression and it gives that emotion of showing today's society o. what they think art can be.
Allan Gorman 
Towers on a Menacing Sky 
Oil on linen

Work Cited 

  • Villamizar,S.(2015) Artwork Statement. Visual Arts Gallery.New Jersey City University.

  • Hooks, Bell. Understanding Patriarchy. Louisville Anarchist Federation Federation, 2010.
  • Fuller, Peter. Seeing Berger: a Revaluation of Ways of Seeing. Writers and Readers, 1981.

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