Tuesday, October 22, 2019


My main topic for my project will address authenticity. However, there’s subtopics that include anxiety, suicidal thoughts, depression, and narcissism. I know that this might be a lot to tackle and I know Prof. wanted me to cut it down. However, I wanted to create this project because these are topics I feel that people are still left in the dark with but all still resonate so dear to me. I am so tired and frustrated that I have to always explain myself for how I feel and I’m not the type to make up something to just be a part of society. The idea of living your so called best life but in reality, are just in the pressure of the public and seeking validation. I’m tired of fakeness and trends, why can’t we just own up to who we are.
            I wanted to create a short film about being your authentic self. So, you understanding how I feel. I wanted to create a visual depiction of my internal conflicts. Can I interpret my own complex thoughts better if I can see them? Can someone else understand these thoughts if they see it in physical form? My work is a conversation with the viewer.  I will upload my project on all social media platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and others. I will have it screen in my other media classes. I will have people re share the video so it can spread.

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