Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Project Proposal

In today’s heavily media oriented world, we see a multitude of images, some we agree with, most we don't.The topic I wish to raise awareness is the use of photographs that depicts illegal immigrants as a one dimensional figure, a stereotype of which has become a constant presence in today’s news outlets. Coming from immigrant parents, I have seen the expressions on their faces whenever Donald Trump has mention immigrants or how Fox news along with other stereotypical broadcasting.

I will be creating a photography zine that will raise awareness of illegal Immigrants and the United States. I will have portraitures of them but I also plan on adding the experience of being an illegal immigrant as well. Some of the photographs will be point of view shots from the eyes of being an immigrant. My mission is to give these people a voice and a chance to tell us how it feels to an illegal immigrant. I'll be taking photographs of instances where illegal immigrants would feel alienated, where they are seen most often or where they are least seen. Aliza Nisenbaum is an artist that I am able to identify with, she paints immigrants that humanizes them. She painted portraits of undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Central America in order to show that these people are not the same as Trump portrays them. Overall this project will be revolving around illegal immigrants and their portrayal in the media as well as first hand experiences of these illegal immigrants.

Crying Girl on the Border
Photographed by John Moore

Las Talaveritas, Sunday Morning NYTimes (2016). Oil on linen. Aliza Nisenbaum

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