Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rockma midterm

Thinking about the art project I wanted to do something that has to do with temptations and consent. I want to highlight temptations especially since we all as humans all have temptations every day that we don't realize. I want to emphasize the statement “DO NOT TOUCH” with maybe some sort of art installation that includes very tempting objects. Some being light-hearted while other deep so that the message of consent can be read, whether it is sexual consent or everyday things that involve consent. 
I'm still thinking of what form of installation I want to create, I believe I want to incorporate bubble wrap, tempting buttons, certain foods, maybe a fluffy wall included, money laying around. I also might want to include paintings and pieces from my personal photography and artwork. 

The message that I want to send is that it’s okay to have temptations in the world, as humans we all do but I want them to understand the damage that can be caused by temptations like a person being violated. I want them to understand that under no circumstances is it okay to do something without consent or permission. By putting signs at each section of the art exhibit and seeing how many participates dismiss the signs and go forth on touching the objects. In the end, they will see the point of the “DO NOT TOUCH” signs.

I also want the participants to feel engaged and having them in person and interacting with the art pieces can send a message as well as capture their attention. I have an idea of an area on NCJU campus that I can set up. Depending on the budget as well, it will be more clear on how much I can build and create. I also may also have a friend to model and be a subject apart of the exhibit. I plan on making a poster to upload on Twitter and on Instagram, to promote the event as well as asking campus life and as well as student government to promote my event

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