Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Midterm Proposal

From the beginning when our final project was introduced, I knew I wanted to make a connection with the topic of this final project. I am a female that belongs to a family of immigrants. My parents immigrated from Ecuador to have a better life. The theme of my final project is female migrants living in US society. Just alone in the united states, women are discriminated in many ways. Either being the cause of our gender, race, appearance and even immigration status. My focus is for my audience to understand how female immigrants dealt with discrimination and manage to become a successor/and has become a great leader as well as getting their message out. Migrant women face double discrimination, as women and migrants.

What I will be doing for my final project is recording various interviews asking questions (10-15 questions depending on how the conversation leads on) on how living in the US society affected them and what they noticed the difference of living here and living back home. I want my audience to learn from this is that everyone has a different story and as well as having a different outcome. Many women who are immigrants struggle in adapting to this society and supposedly living the American dream. In my opinion, everyone has their definition of the term “American dream”. I will also be discussing this topic with the females I will be interviewing. I would strongly appreciate if society can stop double discriminating females who are immigrants because many of them have worked up and achieve so much for them and their family.

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