Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Art Gallery Visit

Olga Mercedes Bautista
Bonding with Plastic
Silicone,Leaves, and Plastic debris

This piece in the Visual Arts gallery stood out to be because it was the biggest piece in the room. It was hanging in the middle of the room almost like a chandelier. The artist Olga Mercedes Bautista made "Bonding with Plastic" in 2019 with debris that she collected around town including plastic, leaves, rope, and silicone. From what I took out of seeing this piece of art i think the artist could have been trying to point out global warming. By using all these recyclable products she created a piece of art. It is possible that she is trying to say the world needs to go green. I see this piece of work as a piece of activism art if you take the time to look into it.  
 This is also a piece by Olga Mercedes Bautista that is part of the Bonding with Plasic artwork. These two photographs were placed just right to the center sculpture in the room. All of the pieces by Bautista to me speak about trying to point out global warming. By using all these recyclable products she created a piece of art. It is possible that she is trying to say the world needs to go green. I see this piece of work as a piece of activism art if you take the time to look into it.  
Olga Mercedes Bautista
Bonding with Plastic
Silicone,Leaves, and Plastic debris

This piece by Sergio G. Villamizar caught my eye as soon as I looked at it because it reminded me of my hometown Jersey City. It had numerous familiar places and landscapes that I see almost everyday in my life. I think the artist was just trying to pay a tribute to his hometown and maybe even what he seen growing up during his childhood. This piece is certainly personal and connects to the identity of the artist.
Sergio G.Villamizar
Home Sweet Home2015

Joel Simpson
Chaos Cubed

This piece in the Lemmerman Gallery caught my attention because of the detail in the artwork. It has a lot of interpretation that could said about it. However to me i see something that look s almost like pure destruction hence the name of the piece "chaos cubed". I interpret that the artist got this idea from the thought of a junkyard where cars could be cubed like this.

Works Cited

Bautista, O "Bonding with Plastic. Visual Arts Gallery. New Jersey City University
Villamizar,S.(2015) Artwork Statement. Visual Arts Gallery.New Jersey City University.

Joel Simpson (2013) Chaos Cubed, Lemmerman Gallery, NJCU

Sergio G. Villamizar, Home Sweet Home, 2015, New Jersey City Univeristy

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