Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Gallery Visit Project


Olga Bautista’s “Tree: Bonding with Plastic

     Plastic contamination is at present one of the greatest ecological concerns. It might appear as though a lot of plastic waste are inescapable on the planet we live in, yet you can help with the plastic contamination issue by monitoring its threats and finding a way to diminish squander.
     The measure of trash on the planet increments as the populace develops, and dispensable plastic items, similar to water jugs and soft drink jars, collect after some time. Plastic contamination happens when enough plastic has accumulated in a zone that it influences the indigenous habitat and damages plants, creatures, or people.
     Plastic has harmful toxins that harm the earth and cause land, water, and air contamination. It can take hundreds or even a great many years for plastic to separate, so the harm to nature is dependable. Abuse of plastic is the fundamental driver of plastic contamination. Plastic is modest and broadly accessible, however individuals every now and again discard plastic things. They don't decay, and they discharge a mind blowing measure of poisons into the air in the event that they're copied. Ordinary, regular garbage is probably the greatest supporter of plastic contamination. Milk containers with plastic linings, expendable water bottles, cleansers with little plastic globules, and different items end up in the earth or in dumps where they can influence the groundwater and close by natural life.
     In addition to the fact that plastic causes harm to the sea, yet it can likewise harm groundwater sources. Numerous locales are now confronting issues with , however water sources wherever are in risk as a result of plastic contamination. Plastic poisons in dumps and from litter can saturate the groundwater, which individuals drink each day.
     Ashore, wind can convey plastic waste or litter all through the earth. It can stall out in trees, wall, traffic lights, or different structures. At the point when creatures come into contact with this plastic waste, they hazard expending the poisons or getting to be ensnared in the plastic and choking. On the off chance that a creature devours a bit of plastic, the plastic can stop up its stomach while additionally harming it with poisons. Very nearly 200 unique types of creatures are known to ingest plastic flotsam and jetsam.
    Air contamination is another issue for people and creatures. At the point when plastic is singed in the outdoors, it discharges a lot of poisons, which contaminates the air. In the event that the poisons are breathed in for an extensive stretch of time, it can prompt respiratory issues.
     As the total populace expands, land turns out to be progressively important, and it will before long become hard to discover spots to put trash. After some time, landfills and dumps will take up more land, attacking creatures' environments and coming considerably nearer to groundwater sources.
     Notwithstanding hurting plants, creatures, and individuals, it costs a large number of dollars consistently for cleanup of regions presented to plastic poisons. Numerous areas have seen an abatement in the travel industry in light of the measure of contamination in their condition, which can seriously affect neighborhood economies.
     The pollution in the ocean is mostly from plastic, and it has a terrible impact on marine species. As a result, it can hurt the economy and food supply for communities that rely on fishing.
     Today, I will be talking about two Artworks from the first gallery we visited which are "Home Sweet Home" by Sergio Villamizar, and "Bonding With Plastic" by Olga Mercedes Bautista. Starting with "Bonding with Plastic", to me, it seemed as if it was pieces of bark from a tree that had garbage/trash all over it, trying to send the world a message. I think what the artist was trying to say is that if pollution keeps going the way it is, then eventually nature will all be contaminated and we will destroy the world we live in and there would be nobody else to blame but ourselves. Maybe the reason why we do not realize we are contaminating our Earth is because we're all so stuck to our phones, social media, everything else that can wait once we deal with the real problem. Maybe if we all worked together instead of being "brainwashed" by technology, then the problem could be solved instead of becoming worse and worse.
Now, the second Artwork which was "Home Sweet Home" by Sergio Villamizar, had me thinking for a while. I kept asking myself; What is he trying to show us? What is the message with this piece of art? And then it hit me. Now I know that the picture doesn't exactly relate to "plastic pollution", but it relates to environmental issues. The way the buildings in the back are on hills and you can see nothing is perfectly built and the landscape is bad, tells you that we're only causing harm to our environment. We're running out of space to make these buildings that are essential to our society and because we're polluting our own area that we're supposed to care about. If you think about it, both of these pictures connect to each other kind of. We're causing pollution with plastic to our Earth, and one of the results is that we have to relocate buildings and what not to places we shouldn't have to. If we could all just come together and work as a team, then none of this would happen at all.
(Sorry Professor I couldn't upload the picture of Sergio Vilamizar's "Home Sweet Home" 2015.)

Works Cited

“Ocean Plastics Pollution.” Ocean Plastics Pollution,

Madaan, Sonia. “Plastic Waste: Environmental Effects of Plastic Pollution.” Earth Eclipse, 18 July 2017,

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