Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The two works in one of the exhibitions are Raul Villarreal by the title “Protect Me” and Christie Devereaux under the title of “ Somewhere in Colombia”. Raul Villarreal “Protect me” work is a chandelier acting as the sun in the center top of the piece while the sea responding to the chandelier lights as the sun set and its light reflecting in the sea. The set of the piece i believe is in summer time which is being displayed by the power of the chandelier light and its reflection into the sea which is usually the same look when the sun set in a summer day and the sun dropping down until it disappears. On the other hand, Christie Devereaux “ Somewhere in Colombia” piece is a display of rocks and sea in their usual setting calm, windy, and perhaps foggy. The piece reflect quietness and a sort of depressing view as the drawing was with black and white and no color usage happen. Which result in the piece being displayed as lost and depressed feeling. The atmosphere is foggy which set the piece in the winter where the sun don't shine but is notice.

Christie Devereaux
Somewhere in Colombia
Acrylic on canvas
In Raul’s piece, the main theme of the whole piece was the optimistic feeling when you see it and judge it by first impression. The imagery of using a chandelier light as the sun created a deeper meaning and relation between a chandelier and sunlight and how both are a tool for the painter to address a meaning. The look of the chandelier is antique and vintage looking so is the sun. The sun over the years have been drawn by different artistic century after century and they managed to bring a new view and look to its meaning and the shape it resembles in the painting. A person can see the piece as an optimistic view of the sun sheltering our sun with light and our see with light that can expand to all over the world. Also, the metaphor of the sun and the chandelier is quite similarly if you ask me the power both have to shine our lives at night and day is quite a perfect match.

In addition, Christie Devereaux “ Somewhere in Columbia” message is a dark and deeper one. My impression when I saw it was how quiet and sad the atmosphere is and how by just this still i can see that the mood is sad. The mood is sad due to the foggy weather and depressing atmosphere displayed by the rocks, wind, and sea in every side of the piece. What I have understood from this piece and the message it tries to display is how the sun is not shining and how fogginess looks depressing and very unhappy. This piece hooked me since they looked at it, judging by the title it’s as random as the mix emotion that the piece show through its usage of black and white to bring the mood to a cold and sad atmosphere that I have received. Even after several glances at the details, it is a sad piece because of how depressing the image in general look and feel.

By comparison both pieces succeeded in delivering the emotions they tried to show. Raul's’ piece was hopeful and relaxing, judging by the usage of the colors and how bright and as i said hopeful like comparing the chandelier to the sun which both bring light to our lives and how their shining help us settle in this life. While Christie Devereaux “ Somewhere in Columbia” was dark judging by the usage of the colors that included black and white and nothing else implying that the piece is depressing and sad. This reflected on the way I preserved it since the minute I saw it. Personal, I prefer a more hopeful color and message so I liked Raul’s piece due to how positive and happy the piece was. I made my opening judging by the placement of the chandelier and the emotion it deliver to me when I look at the details. Christie piece was a very good drawn but depressing and sad in the message she delivers but personally i don’t like the depressing look on it but I respect the message.

Both pieces were similar because their setting was in involving sun and sea. The time of each piece was different one was a sunny day while the sun was setting, the other was the lack of light and sun like a cold day in a foggy atmosphere that happens in winter frequently. Also, the look of the sea, in Raul’s piece the sea was reflecting the sunlight and how it was peaceful and routine for the sea just what a sea look like when you think about it during sunset. Christie Devereaux piece displayed the sea as dark and random some might say cold as it should be in a cold day in the winter.

Raul Villarreal 
Amparame/ protect me 
Oil on canvas

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