Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Midterm Proposal

 urban artist John D’oh.

Most of us would agree that one of the highlights after a long day is finally being able to jump into our cozy beds not having to worry about anything until the next morning. Simple things like being able to sleep in a bed, shower in private, eat in private, have air conditioning on a blazing hot day or heat in a blizzard are just a short list of things that we take for granted every day. There are millions of people around the globe that don’t have the opportunity to take advantage of just one of the simple things listed above. The real question is do we care?

Living in Jersey City NJ a city just a few miles away from New York City which has the highest number of homeless people means that I see dozens of homeless people through the city every day. “About 10 percent of New Jersey's homeless population lives in Hudson County. (8,864)

Most people think that all homeless people are either drug addicts, alcoholics, murderers, or just in general evil people who deserve to be homeless. The truth is people can end up homeless for many reasons that any of us can face. For example, Poverty, Health, Domestic Violence, and or Personal circumstances.

Therefore, for my project I would like to befriend at least one homeless person in my community and really get to know them and try to find out where did life go wrong that led them to becoming homeless. I would like to take this person out somewhere where we can speak comfortably, and I can be able to ask a good amount of questions that I know many other people are wondering. This outing will be recorded either video or audio and will be presented to class and posted all my social media platforms to spread the word. The audience to which will be viewing the video can engage by becoming more involved with their local homeless people, which doesn't necessarily mean that they must befriend them like I did but they can begin to at least acknowledge them.

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