Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Group Project Besem Etta- Ashu, Alexander Silva, Joelle Paris, and Mariah Torres

Modern Day Surveillance Camera

Our project was inspired by a specific reading from the book The Interventionists. While looking through the book to find some inspirations on what to base our project on, we came across The Surveillance Camera Players which was founded in 1996. This was the time period when there were several surveillance cameras around the place collecting data and keeping track of people. There were several slogans created such as Big Brother Is Watching and I love Big Brother to portray how the government is constantly watching over their lives and collecting data from them. My group and I have decided to make our project on modern-day surveillance. There are several apps that we use on a daily basis and through those apps, the government is constantly collecting our personal information for free. The main four ways in which we are focusing our project are Google, Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc), technology and the government. The government uses this information they collected from us without our permission to improve their business, as well as use it against us. The main point my group and I are trying to convey through our project is to make our audience aware of the amount of personal information and general information we are constantly providing to the government every time we do something on our electronic devices.

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