Wednesday, October 23, 2019


  HIV (Human Immunodeficiency deficiency virus) is a disease that harms the immune system by destroying the white blood cells. It puts individuals that are infected  at risk for certain infections and certain cancers. In the 1980's  and 90's  the disease was an epidemic for people who were same sex loving individuals. People were dying left and right from the advanced development of the disease. The community that was hit the hardest was those who were gay and colored. Black gay men and other gay men of color are at great risk of contracting HIV. Statistics show that  3 out of 4 African American men will be diagnosed with HIV, that means it is a greater chance for the disease to be contracted. My project will be focusing on  this topic to raise more awareness within the communities of the world.
 Being a gay male is hard. being a black gay male is even harder because your a walking contradiction. You have both disadvantages and with disadvantages there underlying disadvantages. Being that some gay men belong to the African American community there are certain disadvantages that can advance their sickness from HIV to Full blown aids. HIV is no longer the death sentence it once was  but the lack of quality medical care  and not having having medical insurance leads to the virus attacking the body  and breaking it down. Medications exist  but are very pricy for people who come from inner city communities  usually the population being people of color. The  medications too expensive and have no alternative  to keep the T cell count of those  who can't afford the quality medication. I chose this topic because it hit more close to home. My uncle is a gay man who has HIV. He was diagnosed at 24 and now fortunately has to take medication for the rest of his life, but even though he has the resources to receive the medication there are young men of color who have the disease who don't have the resources cause either because they can't afford it or they have been disowned from their family. Being  a gay man myself I don't necessarily  fear the disease I fear the resources that wont be able available  due to my circumstances. The project will consist of an art that will be an original piece of art.  There will be a Man not the canvas and his face will be half brown and half rainbow to represent the minorities  that he is a part of. Then in the middle of his there will be a red ribbon to symbolize that he has the HIV diagnosis, and in the back of will be challenges or the disadvantages  that he has t face in order to achieve treatment. Being that people will be able to visibly see the challenges that Gay Individuals face when being diagnosed with HIV.

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