Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Midterm Proposal-Mariah Torres

            I have been thinking at first to do a project on either feminism or nature. I looked deeper into the topic of animal rights after I watched an ASPCA commercial on tv. I, myself, is an advocate of animals. I have owned 2 parakeets and 2 dogs (now currently 1 dog). I live near an area where some wild animals thrive, but it’s slowly dying out due to the construction of the American Dream mall. I am unsure of what my project is going to be, but, I have done some research on PETA’s past acts of activism. 

A member of PETA had recently leaked footage of a farm violently skinning sheep and selling wool to Forever 21. Another act was when a group of PETA members stood outside a Forever 21 store, clad in white with bloodstains and wearing a mask of a sheep. I have done some research on circus animals and how they were exploited for entertainment. I was thinking about making a poster that showed an image of humans using animals but in a “political comic” style. Secondly, I was also thinking about making a presentation about Animal Rights. I feel that a presentation can do better than a poster because I can inform others of what’s happening and how to stop animal cruelty. 

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