Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Briana Rosario
Doris Castillo
Art 263
September 7, 2019

                     Who do you think you are?

      In our society these days, media plays a major role. We encounter the media every day whether we like it or not, from Twitter to Instagram to the television and so forth. Personally, I am on Twitter on a day to day basis just for a good laugh, news , debates and environmental issues. Social media has become a platform for businesses, news reports and/or a more thorough way for protesters to be heard. Social media has even created a career for people, nowadays there are so many social media influencers. Kids in our generation are determined to become one just to have the luxury of being wealthy all from the root of our home and media. Agencies have discovered models from social media, with such a broader audience and the convenience of a phone, there is no surprise as to why this is our reality. In a matter of minutes, ones life can be altered for the better or worse from social media.
    Social media can also be considered toxic although it has its perks. Not everything advertised online is true. There is an account Instagram that goes by the name of “shade room”. Everyday there is news posted on politics/economy, government, trump, drama, tragedies, celebrities and the list goes on. My point is literally almost everything on that account is a lie and for the sole purpose to entertain those who feed into gossip. 

Donald Trump is know for his infamous tweets. On a day to day basis, trump is tweeting from his political perspective which ends in a cause for debate. One topic that I’d like to touch base with is the Pro-Life/Pro-choice movement. This is a controversial topic that women across the globe debate about every single day. Donald Trump uses twitter as his way to express his truth. In the image above, he tweets about his stance on the topic. Although this ongoing issue has yet to affect me personally, I still feel the necessity to stand my ground and state my truth. I cannot ignore such a discussion in my everyday surroundings. 

   I am pro-choice. Celebrities such as Rihanna, Chris Evans, Billie Ellish, Miley and Ariana Grande are all Pro-Choice. When the abortion law in Alabama got passed, Rihanna vulgarly questioned on social media with a picture of the republican who signed the law “why are these idiot men making decision for WOMEN in America?”. One response that stood out to me the most was Cole Sprouse, he expressed to the reporter that “not to be fooled by a representative claiming to be protecting the life of the unborn when it is almost always carried with a blatant disregard for the life, choice and voice of the living women deciding what she wants to do with her own body”. 

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