Friday, September 20, 2019

Artist That Challenges/Addresses The Patriarchal System



Girls Against God, issue #1, co-edited by Bianca Casady and Anne Sherwood Pundyk, designed by J. M. Ruellan, published by Capricious

 I decided to share the ideals of an Artist by the name of CocoRosie. She talks about how the system of Patriarchy is oppressive and how it does damage to all women. She also talks about how sex, religion, and politics all tie together to create this system that not only women suffer from, but by men as well. She pulls quotes from other artists/major impacts to support her beliefs, and also provides a music video to further support her argument. The music video shows a girl and her mother both wearing long, sheet-like coverings and gold metal masks covering their mouths. The costumes in the video criticize the tradition of child marriage maintained in many countries by oppressive entities.

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