Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Alexander J. Delgado

ART 1121

Professor Cacoilo

September 11, 2019

Who do you think you are?

          Today it is almost, if not completely impossible to avoid our media consumption every day because it is all around us. Media consumption today is much more unavoidable than ever before. Today's media is mostly fed to me through the internet and social media. I, like millions of other people around the globe spend a minimum of just a few hours on social media and the internet. Social media can be a good form of media, but it can also have a dark side to it to. My role in media I consider positive for the most part because from social media platforms I receive news updates, current events, entertainment, the ability to network with people from around the world, and being able to keep in contact with friends and family you don’t see every day. Without social media the majority of people wouldn't know the problems that are going on today around the world.

          On the other hand, the biggest critique that media has today I believe is the amount of bogus information that is given to us through the internet. A large percentage of the media we see on the internet is false information and there's no real way to know what is true unless you really take time to investigate it. For example, just one of the many leaks of false information that is spread through media is a celebrity death hoax. Many of us can relate to thinking one of our favorite celebrities tragically died just to find out later it was just a lie that spread to all media platforms. This is just one of many examples of false information that gets spread through media that people believe.


On a more serious note media in this way can change the way we look at certain things. News media like for example CNN who usually talks about President Trump in a positive light and mostly mention all of the good things he tries to do for the American people is very different from other news networks who tell the truth about how much damage and hurt he is causing every day to not only American citizens but people from around the world. I am not against today's forms of media but I believe that we must educate ourselves and the future on not believing everything you see or heard on any forms of media because there's a big possibility of it not being true.

          My relationship with news media over the last few years has slowly died down. A big part of the reason why I no longer watch the news on television is because usually on television they mention all of the bad news that is happening all around us locally. News media chooses what they should and shouldn't tell us about the news that is happening around the world. For example, a few weeks ago when the wild fires in the Amazons were taking place it took weeks for the news to cover it, if the news would have covered this story quicker this tragedy could have ended sooner. Also as soon as you turn the TV on all you heard is about the most recent shooting, murder, fire etc. News usually leaves good news towards the end which barely even watch because most already turned the TV off from after so much bad news.

          Activists, acts of resistance and protest are being seen more and more in a positive light today than ever before, I believe. Standing up fighting for what you believe in today is becoming more normal I suspect because of the situation as a country we are in. Our country is standing up against our government and showing that we can no longer be pushed around no matter who is president and what laws and bans he tries to impose against us. One of today's biggest problems that is creating an abundance of people forming together and protesting is immigration laws and bans. Social media I believe has a great relationship with activists, acts of resistance and protest because it’s the way that the word gets out to the millions of people that use it every day. Today it is through media that people get their message sent and can encourage others to join them in their fight.


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