Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My name is Maera and I am an active media consumer. I enjoy spending time scrolling on Twitter. I spend an inordinate amount of time in the explore portion of Twitter. I enjoy learning about the top trending topics as well as reading the breaking news articles that are noteworthy enough to get a spot on the explore section of the app. Although I spend time reposting and commenting memes, personal posts, and dog videos, I find that the majority of my time is spent looking at what’s trending in the news and sports sections. 
That being said, Twitter is not the only place I receive my daily dose of news. I read many articles from different news outlets including BBC, NBC, Huffington Post, as well as local news stations. As an avid media consumer, I am always searching for something new or interesting to volunteer my opinion on and I find Twitter is the best place outside of the classroom to have interesting debate with others. I also enjoy reading the local paper in my hometown of Montclair, New Jersey called the Montclair Times. I still find that old fashion newspapers are still a good way to stay informed about local town events, sports standing, and political actives. There is online access to this paper, but I feel there are things more satisfying than turning the pages of a paper. If I am looking for local news on my phone, I gravitate towards the website northjersey.com. It gives me most of the same news as the Montclair Times as well as news in my neighboring towns.
An example of act of resistance that I learned about on Twitter is actually occurring in Montclair. On August 21, 2019, six teachers that teach at Glenfield Middle School, filled an affirmative action complaint against the Board of Education in  New Jersey's state Superior Court. These teachers state that during the 2017-2018 school year, only white teachers had been given access to the job postings that allow them to teach extra classes. The article goes on to explain that if the teachers are able to teach extra classes then they are available to teach extra classes, then then they are eligible to earn one-fifth of their salary. 

This affirmative action complaint is a good example of an act of resistance because the teachers did not have to ban together and risk their anonymity in pursuit of their justice and rights as middle school teachers in, what is thought of as, a progressive and increasingly diverse town. This article reminds me that injustice happens everywhere, and as a woman of color I am never far removed from discrimination for my race or gender. I enjoy reading about though there is injustice everywhere, the fight for equality is just as prominent.


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