Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Who do you think you are?

Social media plays a humongous role in the way we get our information around the world. Social media has recently in the past decade or two become the number one source of communication among the entire planet. The thing about social media is that it allows the user to connect in a way we never have before, whether its with long lost family, old friends, pen pals, or even complete strangers in a blink of an eye. It has the ability to give its users such a platform to influence people across the globe. Of course, I’m sure you can think of some dangers that may come with the ability to have all this power, and information in the world at your fingertips. Social media has changed the way America functions in every day life, social media particularly has a knack for altering the way people feel about themselves. Particularly teen girls tend to try to reach the expectations of what they see on social media which in reality is mostly fake. With they way photo shop is used to day girls are chasing these dreams that aren’t even real. This is an example of how social media can have a negative impact on today's world.

When it comes to the internet and social media I feel as if I can’t really help but be involved with it.  In today's world almost everyone in one way or another relies on the internet and social media for news, entertainment, and most of all information. For me personally I play a big part in the consumption of Social media. Most of all I am a big tweeter, I love Twitter for many reasons. I find Twitter to be hilarious, it keeps me in contact with my friends and family, and it is a big source of how I get my news about the world. I know there is a lot of fake news on social media, so I know how to maneuver myself through the information in order to not become a victim of fake news consumption. I follow reliable sources like CNN, New York Times… and my least favorite TRUMP. Id hate to follow him but unfortunately as an American I need to know the nonsense he is selling on Twitter.  
Image result for trump twitter

Image result for new york times sports sectionI don’t have an Instagram anymore, however I used to really be a fan, but I got tired of seeing all of these people I don’t even know. I’m more of a Snap chat person, I love to document the things that I’m partaking in but that is really as far as my contribution to media making goes. I try not to waste my time on my phone scrolling through screens, when I could be as I say, “living life”. Some of my friends often get mad at me because they will text me or send me something and I wont answer for hours but that is simply because I'm “living life” and I’m not hounding my phone all day long! Even though I do rely on my phone for 90% of my source of information and news around the world I do sometimes seek other sources. I am a chef at CafĂ© Talya in Bayonne, and once the rush is over, I love to take my break and read the Jersey Journal, or the Daily News. I really enjoy having a nice physical news paper in my hand where I can flip through the pages and read articles written by professionals and not just people who type their lives away on Twitter or Facebook.  Something I enjoy equally whether its in the paper or on social media is the sports news. I like to use an app called The Score and that is what I spend a lot of my time on the phone doing, it is also the first section that I skip to when I read the paper. 

In the end I think social media is a good thing, when it is manipulated correctly by the providers, and the consumers. You have to have the ability to sift through the good, and the bad.  Social media is a great tool for making a name for yourself, your brand, or whatever it is that you choose to do on the internet. However, I think it would be beneficial to millennial's who mostly are the prime consumers on the internet to read the news paper occasionally to get the real scoop on what’s going on in the world. Take your eyes off the screen for a little bit and enjoy the real world, you just might enjoy it.
             Image result for social media vs real life

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