Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Artist who challenge the status quo


"To indoctrinate boys in the rules of patriarchy we force them to feel pain and deny their feelings".

 "Patriarchy' as a social organization marked by supremacy of the father in the or family in both domestic and religious functions".

        The quotes explains how patriarchy effect the boys of our society and how society explains and views the father figure. As boys we are taught to not cry when we hurt ourselves and also  not show emotion to anything. This within its self is a problem especially for men of color being that  we are not allowed to express emotion we hold everything inside until one day we snap and its too late. the second quote explains that in both domestic and religious settings the father is the head and no one is above him besides GOD himself. the father rules the household and every one falls  in line.


 This work of art above really speaks out against patriarchy. The artist is  Hanna Barcyzk she is an illustrator   that treats conceptual illustrations for major media companies. Tis art piece was accompanied by an article which spoke out against the greater fear of patriarchy, which is a  woman  speaking her and mind and not be silent.  In history women were taught not to speak unless when spoken to  and also to not think and only rely on her husband. The piece a face that is silent almost like a mask  and a woman bursting out and has the facial expression as if she is almost shouting. The  artwork speaks of modern women speaking out against the rules and oppression of patriarchy.

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