Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Assignment 1-Mariah Torres

My role in media consumption is to view and share information. I, myself, own a Facebook page, an Instagram page, and a Snapchat. I mainly just use it to keep in touch with my friends and be nosey.  The consumers of media critique or share others in order to make others "fit-in" with society or give people information on the latest news. For example, Instagram is a platform where people post photos of what they like. From there, consumers or followers can interact with the content that was posted. The creator of that post wants some sort of reaction to the post they have shared so they rely on their likes or their comments. Sometimes the content on their page can start a trend.

 The people of today rely on media to catch up on other people and what is happening around the world. News channels broadcast on television and also on different platforms like Twitter or Facebook. I do feel as though social media can be a good and a bad thing. The thing is, people aren't always truthful when they are in public. Social media nowadays has become more of a second life for people. We alter the bad traits about us and only share the good. It blinds us from reality because we all feed on the idea of being someone greater.

 This issue happens on the news and in our government. It lets us know some information (Not ALL of it) on a distaster/crime, say that the authorities are handling it, and that's it. The audience doesn't hear it about the situation for a couple of months... Sometimes, the audience of the television news doesn't hear about an event that happened. Which causes us to forget and not take action. For example, I was surprised that Fox hasn't addressed the recent Mass Shooting in Texas. I first found out about it on Youtube and never heard about it again. I am pretty sure the shooting was addressed by other news networks on television at least once.

There are many ways that the media covers acts of resistance. These are the people who keep trying to make themselves heard and seen within the billions of posts/channels on different platforms. One example is the mother of Junior, who unfortunately got killed by a gang in New York, kept on making herself known to the public media. She didn't hide her grief and anger. Many saw her fight for justice for her son for many months.

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