Friday, September 20, 2019

Artist who challenges the status quo, patriarchy, and its systemic power and dominance

Kara Walker, Excerpt

Kara Walker

An artist who challenged the status quo, patriarchy and its systematic power and dominance. This artist is known for her cut-paper silhouettes in scenes that might appear confusing, surprising and graphic, but it is only to challenege the people who observe her art to open their eyes to realize the world we live in and its reality. This is one of her artwork that I found very interesting. The images represent the racial, sexual and historical tension in this country. As well as slavery, the hardships that Black Americans have to live or lived on the daily and wome's place on society (how they are viewed, as weak and below men). "While at times controversial, her work encourages the type of engagemnet, interpretation, and dialogue that makes works of art truly socially and politically relevant."

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