Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Who do you think you are?          

          Media takes a big role in today’s world. As technology advances, we are more addicted to our phones and make media our daily hobby. Media consumption has expanded in the past decade. Social media of today, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. allows us to connect and share our thoughts with others that share the same interest. Many of these social media platforms help many families stay in touch around the world by sharing important events in life. The role that I partake in media consumption is for sure on a confident level because of the way I find social media as my newspaper of today’s time. The same way as newspapers have the news, job opportunities, and sports/entertainment, our social media platforms do the same for us today. Social media has become a big part of people’s lives, even young children know how to upload media of their own.  
          The internet is a scary place where we shouldn’t believe every piece of news or events happening in the world unless it is a reliable source. People can easily make up a false statement to trick us in believing horrible things while others are easy to believe and share it. Sharing post is a massive and quick way to inform, which can be good in certain situations but not in this certain case. Our opinions and thoughts are used for criticism in social media because we will not always agree to other people statements, comments or opinions. My relationship with the media is relatable like other people my age. I feel like people from the ages of 14 –35 or even older rely on social media to find out the latest news and events. Including myself, many people have stopped watching the news just for the fact that a lot of negative things are happening around the world. It’s sad seeing how nature is getting destroyed, families getting separated and people getting killed, these are the few things we can hear in the news.  
          Some media platforms only chose certain things to write about because they don’t want to make others look bad. Immigration has taken over media and social media because of the large amounts of stories. Katia, an immigrant, and student from Nicaragua was held in Mexico for the last two months and finally taken to the borders of Tijuana to go under a judge. On the news, we don’t hear about these minor issues which are huge for the immigrants, like Katia's issue where even though she had to wait 2 months to see a judge and then the border agents are not even going to escort her on time. Imagine how many other cases where this has happened, but the media doesn’t show this. Some media platform will switch stories up or quickly skim through them.   
          The media covers an activist because there’s always someone who is looking for a change in this world, someone who is willing to fight and create protest to get their word out. Technology has become a big help for groups of people trying to take a stand in what right like, the immigrants and the black lives matter they don’t stop trying until they achieve what they want. Media/ social media always finds a way to get the news out, but social media does kind of rely on us to keep sharing it. Which then we know once sharing and other people sharing it becomes a trending topic. As a person who is constantly on social media and is using it to gain information, the relationship towards this concept is understandable but we should remember what to believe on social media or remember certain things aren’t always like they seem to be. Who would’ve thought that technology was going to be our new way to inform, connect and share through social media.  

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