Friday, September 6, 2019

1st Assignment

Hi there, my name is Joan.
Here's a link to my portfolio. I'm a photographer/filmmaker. 
        My media consumption consists of where I find my information, news, updates on anything. I admit twitter can be my go to source to stay in touch with the world. I try my best to not use my phone all the time, so I try to read articles in print form because I don’t like the idea of straining my eyes looking at a screen. I honestly hate social media, but it’s a torn situation due to the fact that most of my career, I have to share my portfolio online. Clients prefer that over print. So most of the time I just post my work online and never look back at the feedback. I don’t like wasting time doing endless scrolling because I feel like I could be doing something else with my life than just stalking someone else’s life. Just the idea of someone out there is improving on themselves that’s outside of watching what other’s are doing. I enjoy reading on my kindle or actual physical books to learn info because it refrains me to be so dependent on my phone. I cringe whenever I’m at the dinner table and everyone is just on their phones. I like to be in the present and focus and interact organically than just be somewhere where everyone is sitting but no one is really socially engaging amongst each other. It makes me question my current existence and why am I here in the first place. 
         I can critique media however I please, by the use of freedom of speech. I am able to voice out my opinions and sometimes it gets to the point that it maybe too much. I confront people, I'm not passive and if I have something to say, I say it. I create content by working on my photography and short films. I channel my energy, thoughts and feelings all there. Yes, I share it for people to see but in the end of the day, if I’m content with what I create like my own version of a Taylor Swift break up song, then so be it. I feel like it’s best to confront your demons in your work, and if you have something to say channel it that way. Nothing ever ends well, when you have an opinion and you just say hurtful things directly to other person. Make a statement, create a movement, be the difference. 
         I am a consumer but also someone who produces to share my views and values to others. As of present day, we all share a common experience because the world and technology is very interactive and engaging to one another. It doesn’t take that long to share info or data to another person. Things happen instantly, and it doesn’t matter where you are. The world can see whatever you want to share right away. So people can be abrupt or curate what they want to say. In the end of the day, most people care about their image and showing their best life. But for me, I’m attracted to authenticity and people who are genuine to their content. 
         Media covers activists, acts of resistance and protest through the news, social media platforms, video platforms, and the internet. How do I feel? Working in film productions, it’s hard to have a certain belief unless you really do your research. Being behind the scenes on PSA's and anything that has to show you're so-called doing good, you realize how much media is biased towards a certain audience and how they can just influence them towards a certain direction. For example, what you see on the news. There’s someone who’s dictating what is really going on. They have the option to show the public what they want to be shown. They don’t necessarily have to show you all the footage and share all the info they have gathered. Just by one news report, can make the audience be pro or against a certain person or topic. So if you’re not really informed then you could easily be persuaded in a way where you might think one thing but in reality there’s other parts of story that you don’t know about. It’s always good to have more than one source to get your info before making a decision on who to believe. 

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