Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Who do you think you are?



            I am Jhakeer Johnson and I am a media consumer. My media consumption involves Instagram  and looking at bespoke tailors make their masterpieces for satisfied customers.  Other media outlets I use are Facebook and Pinterest to keep-up with friends and  to look at shoes. Media has become a important part of our lives whether young or old. Media comes in different forms: Television, Phones, Computers  and etc. When it comes to things that are going in the world, that topic would be on one of these outlets of media. 
                 Media consumption allows people to be entertained and informed simultaneously. On Instagram, my timeline has things that entertain me and on the next slot, there would be something informative and alerting people to take action, whether it be to help Bahamas with their natural disaster recovery or the black lives matter movement.
             Media gives activist and acts of resistance a platform on national and International scale. News and/or activist have resorted to the media outlets such as Instagram or Facebook to get their point across to everyday civilians. No longer do people have to glance at the news channel. The news that I receive mostly comes from Instagram news and information seems to travel when it is spreader by social media.
           The VMA's were in my hometown this year. While the celebrities were preparing to step foot on the red carpet, the residents of Newark were protesting for their legislature to act on their city being contaminated with lead. Hashtags were posted all over Instagram and  timelines were filled with the protestors fighting for clean water. The media is a world wide connection to all people and allows anyone to post what they want. when activist post  their agendas believe the world is going to see it especially if they have a large following.

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