Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Who do you think you are?

I did a little research of my own to find out what media consumption meant and what was included within it. I found out that media consumption is the average entertainment media a consumer spends on the daily. It includes spending time reading books/magazines, watching TV/film, listening to the radio and interacting with new media. As a matter of fact, according to a study done in 2018, people spend an average of eleven hours per day on the media, which is insane to think about but we have all fallen victim to that and some even spend more than eleven hours... Crazy right!

My name is Genesis Serrano and my role in media cosumption and media making is allowing myself to be in cntrol of what I post or publish on social media, as well as having the freedom to infuence others through it. I personally am not as active on social media like Instagram, twitter, facebook, snapchat, whatsapp, etc., but when I do post something I like to post inspirational quotes along with a picture or video. I thinks its so awesome to inspire others, to motivate them to bring the best of themselves because we are all unique and beuatiful in our own ways. No one is perfect, we are all unperfectly perfect, meaning our flaws are what makes us who we are in this world. Sadly, that's not the case nowadays in our social media because there are images set forth by social media. For axample, the perfect body, the perfect relationship, the house "goals", freindship "goals", the perfect squad, the perfect nationality/race/ethnicity, the perfect job or status in a country. Therefore, not everything is positive on media. The sad part is that we are all involved with media in one way or another, being influenced by what we see or read which creates hate, discrimination, which leads women to feeling ugly or feeling like they need a thigh gap or to have wider hips, a bigger chest, etc., to feel sexy when that's not the case at all. Media is a great platform but when used icorrectly it poses a humongous threat to our society. My little sister came up to me the other day telling me how her friends idolize the body of this popular teen on social media called Maddie Ziegler. Many of her friends starve themselves trying to have their bodies look like hers... That's insane to me!

On a different note, the media also contains different forms of art works that are very interesting and have meaning to them. For example, Kara Walker who is an American contemporary painter,  silhouettist, print-maker, installation artist, and film-maker who explores race, gender, sexuality, violence, and identity in her work. This type of media i like because it allows people to look at the reality of the world swe live in. Here is a link to one of her art works that interested me and would love for you to check out how she depicts slavery and women's place in society.

In conclusion, social media is a wonderful form to interract with others, to use as a platform for many things like teaching others a certain skill, playing a song, for music, to bring awarness, among other positive things but lets try as media consumers not to use the media to create negative environments fr ourselves and our societies because the more we make oursleves believe those thigs the more it spreads like a contagious virus to our generations and the ones to come.

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