Sunday, September 8, 2019

Who do you think you are?

Hello everyone, my name is Wilfred. Here is the link to my instagram. I am a photographer / content creator. 

The role that I play in the media consumption is that I find out about certain events online like twitter, facebook and Instagram. I am not up to date with everything that is happening in the world but sometimes social media has its way of informing me news that are relevant at the time. I don't really watch television thus I would not know what is going on and honestly the news we see now are just a bunch of content that the news program wants us to see. It's not even close to anything relating to the real world problems, specially now that our "President" mainly controls his presidency through this social media app called, Twitter. What kind of President uses Twitter to voice out what he has to say? Why Twitter? Couldn't he just plan a time and a day for a press conference and say what he has to say, instead of taking it to Twitter? 
This is why I don't usually watch news on tv. Social Media is one of the most accurate news providers we have today because everyone are on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram) and it's one of the sources for people who has something to say. There are a lot of competition in media making because content creators have a short amount of time to get the people's attention and if it is not interesting to them then they will just scroll past it. Media making is way different now compared to 10 years ago when the technology was not as advance as today and it will still improve in the next couple years. 
Not a lot of people are able to handle critiques well, whether they want to improve their work or not. Some just fear being criticized even if it will help them in their next project. Since people can't really take critiques pretty well, I still tell them what I think of it even if it's going to put them down because the only way to improve is when people tell you the truth even if it hurts. This way the next time that they do something, they will take into consideration what they can do better than before. Critiquing is a way of telling someone whether it's good or not that they have more to improve on even if you will feel bad at the end.
Media covers activists, acts of resistance and protest through the use of social media platforms in a way that either will make the protesters look good or pretty much make them look bad in front of thousands of people that are watching. The media only shows us what they want us to see and are brain washing us with "fake news" that they air. The media is at times biased on what they show during their program and if the ratings are low then they will do anything to bring it up. This is why the media can be dangerous at times but these people (news anchors) can't really do anything or else they will lose their jobs.

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