Tuesday, September 10, 2019

who do you think you are ?

Abdelrahman Mosbah

Who do you think you are?

Today, the media plays a big part in our lives, and how we look at the world. Media connected people worldwide so they can share their goals, accomplishments, and problems. It’s where people feel and know that they have a voice, and where a few others believe they can change the world. People rarely watch the news anymore, because they only show you what they want you to see, but they won’t tell you both sides of the story, and they won’t always tell you the truth. Personally, I use social media very often, and I believe that I have a voice that can have an impact on other people’s lives. Social media has many positive and negative effects on us and how we look at the world. However, it plays a huge role on how we look at the world today. 

I am a person who criticizes the media, and I’m pretty sure most of the consumers out there do too. Now everyone has their own opinion, and it has always been brought to my attention that the people who are on Instagram and follow all these role models and celebrities, are always trying to be like them. Sometimes that can be a very bad thing to do, because this generation especially are always trying to follow the trend, instead of trying to be themselves. For example, a 12 year old kid shouldn’t always go ask his parents for new clothes and shoes because he is trying to be like this model on Instagram. This can have a very negative effect on both the parents and the kid, because what if the parents can’t afford it, then they’ll feel like they’re not providing for their kid as they should, or they would think that they are not doing a very good job. As for the kid, he will start looking at himself differently, because his friend has these new shoes and he doesn’t, and he might start developing hate towards his parents. That’s how the media can have a negative effect on this generation. 

Image result for amazon burning earth
However, the media is also covering most of our world’s problems today, and it uncovers the truth of what’s really going on out there. Recently, the Amazon which is a region that extends across eight rapidly developing countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, was on FIRE. The rain forests, which contain 90-140 billion metric tons of carbon, which helps stabilize local and global climate. Deforestation may release HUGE amounts of this carbon, which could have catastrophic consequences around the world. This is such a massive problem not only for the people living around there but for the whole entire world. The Amazon was burning for 3 weeks and NO ONE knew about it and if it wasn’t for social media no one would’ve talked about it. I have personally shared it on my Instagram, and my friends in Egypt had no idea what this was, and after I explained it, they all started sharing it. That’s how social media is teaching us and raising awareness for all the things that are going on in the world.  

I think the media has a major impact on the whole world. Not only does it bring people together from different parts of the world, but it also raises awareness of the real problem this world is facing, and encourages us to do something and take action.  

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