Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Who do you think you are?

Hi, my name is Beatriz.

In our modern-day world, we consume media without even realizing it. Whether it be through formal news outlets, social media, or even by word; we have many forms of knowing what is happening in our world. Most of my media consumption is through social media, Instagram mostly, or through news that people mention to me by having a conversation. Though we should not always believe what is written on the internet, specifically what people post on their social media, it is one of the best ways to reach out to a broader audience in the convenience of being right there on your phone. Social media has the flexibility to expose certain truths that news outlets can easily censor. However, it is a risk to stumble across fake news. Anyone can post a fake situation without much thought or evidence. Thus, social media has its flaws when it comes to credibility. But, with proper research and following credible sources, this is the method I devised to continue the convenience of using social media as my main news outlet.

We the people have the freedom to critique media using our voices and opinions. On a scale, it can vary from a small post on social media to having a full protest against a certain topic. Twitter is one of the best platforms to express freedom of speech in a public audience. Many users use the platform to vent about a person or an event. It can also be used to further expose an important issue, or express your feelings about it. However, the process of media making can be a biased process. An opinion is not a fact, however, people tend to forget this. There are many people who argue for their opinion that can lead to online arguments, which causes violence. Controversial topics such as being Pro-Life or Pro-Choice when it comes to abortion is a prime example that creates a divide in society. We critique it in our own voice, yet, what matters is what we do with the decision we chose.

We are in a time where mass media shares the common experience we all lived. With the internet, we can find out what happened across the world in a matter of minutes. I follow influential figures such as Leonardo DiCaprio, who use their social media accounts with a large following to spread awareness of what is going on in our world. He takes the time to share environment-related issues and encourages others to help fund for their needs (link to the Bahamas Recovery Fund which is the photo to the left). DiCaprio is not the only influential who spreads awareness. There are many other celebrities, or individuals with large followings, who inform everyday people of other topics than just our environment. Many political figures speak of their opinions to the tweets president, Donald Trump, shares. Controversial issues are a part of our society, though it may not directly affect our lives, it still is a part of our environment that can be a factor of our surroundings.

Depending on who is covering a certain article, there can be some lingering bias towards a topic. There are two sides to a story, while one individual can be viewed as a hero, someone else may villainize them. Media has a funny way of taking someone's statement and twisting it to become something else. With sensitive topics relating to protest or activism, the person who is telling the story can create their own version of their perspective on the topic. With this, people will either believe their words or choose to find out their own truth. These kinds of news are either censored or taken in the wrong context. With proper research and understanding of the opinions and views of the situation, false media coverage can easily be avoided. Knowing the right truth can make any situation better before making any rash opinions.

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