Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Final Project

 My project is to bring awareness and to educate people of HIV and Aids within the black gay community. Also my objective is to inform treatment options to those who are disadvantaged and cannot afford treatment. Another way my project is helpful to destigmatize the disease and to reveal  that people who contracted the disease are normal people.
   Media make aware of the dangers of the disease within the years the years that it first appeared. However the  faces that were being represented were not faces of the ones who are most at risk Gay people of color.  Statistics has shown that Black and Hispanic have the highest lifetime risk among gay men. For example the city of Atlanta is know for being a haven for the Black gay community yet Atlanta has one of the highest HIV. When searching the internet for men with HIV you faces of white gay men, black are not represented well within the media and in life in general. The people who are most at risk for it doesn't have representation.
  A lot of Gay black men are not able to afford the medicine to receive treatment. There are programs and places to check  statuses and to be linked to treatment. Hyacinth a program that have counselors that help patients receive treatment. Also Counselors help negative patients to receive prep a medication that should tooken like birth control, it creates a barrier of protection when exposed to the HIV virus. Hyacinth is a program that started during the HIV epidemic to help and treat people, especially people of color who were diagnosed with HIV. New Jersey medical Center at Greenville also provide HIV testing and STI testing as well. The counselors will help provide the patients with resources to receive treatment.
The painting shown is representation of a gay man of color who is diagnosed with HIV.   The man in the painting is half black and half rainbow. Each sides of the man represents the the two minorities that he belong too. The red ribbon symbolizes that  he is diagnosed with HIV. The piece is to put a face those black men who are living with this disease. The humanize the stigma of the disease and show that people with the disease are everyday people.




 Tyree Bolden
HIV and STI counseling

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