Wednesday, December 18, 2019


From the beginning when our final project was introduced, I knew I wanted to make a connection with the topic of this final project. I am a female that belongs to a family of immigrantsMy parents immigrated from Ecuador for the purpose of having a better life. The theme of my final project is female migrants living in US society. Just alone in the united states, women are discriminated in many ways. Either being the cause of our gender, raceappearance and even immigration status. My focus is for my audience to understand how female immigrants dealt with discrimination and manage to become success or/and has become great leader as well as getting their message out. Migrant women face double discrimination, as women and migrants. 

There are many activists that are females as well as being Hispanic and these women left a great impact on what they believe in. Dolores Huerta was born in New Mexico from Mexican parents, making her Mexican AmericanHuerta began her career in activism in the 1950s, where she was an organizer for farmworkers’ rights. Later on, she seeks to influence the law regarding the support of Spanish speakers and undocumented people. Going back to the issue where not many women don’t get consider in office because women don’t have enough power or control to be in the political world. Well, Huerta spent two years advocating to increase, she wanted that more Latina would be able to represent the countryTo get her message out, she created a project by the Feminist Majority. The Feminist Majority is a foundation that works on “social and political and economic equalitfor women”. In her journey as an activist, she has been arrested twenty-two times for non-violent protest even being that she been under these circumcise she still would be recognized and awarded for her work in human rights. She’ll also officially became the first Latina to be portrayed in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery last summer.” (Emily Prado).  

One of my favorite activists is the first Hispanic and Latina justice, Sonia Sotomayor. The Nuyorican, who was raised in the housing project in the Bronx. Sotomayor's life story screams out the American dream, at a young age she knew her calling and it was to become a judge. Sotomayor made it her duty to protect “minorities, women’s health, and pushing for criminal justice reformation.” (E.Prado). Sonia Sotomayor is a big role model in the Hispanic community. We can say that she made it, protecting people that were in the same situation as she was growing up.  


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