Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Post 3

Post 3 Inspiration 

 For my final project, I will being doing mine on inner beauty and the meaning of what inner beauty is meant to be about. As one of my inspirations is Ana Mendieta. An influential artist best known for her “earth-body” performances, as she called them, Ana Mendieta explored her identity as a female. 

  Ana Mendieta created a way for females to discovered different performances to show the differences of the females body and nature together. Because of this, it made me inspired to be do my project as she relates to my project about inner beauty. She was viewed as out of the range than other females artist while also being inspirations for other female artist. 

 For example, Carolee Schneemann as she later became inspired to become a perfomance artist. She was an American visual experimental artist. While she was also known for her mulit-media work on her body, narrative, and sexuality. As the theme of my project is solely based on the inner beauty and what it really means. She created her body as well to show her art while she performs. For example, a performance she created the art piece called Up To and Including Her Limits (1973-76). Creating it to different areas of it and different spaces in the piece that created her to take this project  

 Mendieta used her body as a way to express the ways of her female body and also being one with earth. She showed me the ways that inner beauty and outer beauty doe int matter. These two artist inspired me to understand the different aspects of what true beauty is and how women are supposed to express ourselves as women and to also discover our inner beauty. 


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