Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Imagine this, you have worked your a** off for the whole semester managing to balance six classes, work and a social life so at the end of the semester you feel accomplished that you passed all six classes and just want to go on a relaxing vacation on a beach with your family/friends and as you lay down basking under the sun on the beach feeling that this vacation is well deserved but as you get up and start to walk deeper and deeper in to the beach you feel something on the bottom of your feet that wraps around your ankles so you quickly run back to the beach and you see your feet wrapped in a plastic bag! This project portrays how we see the world we live in, especially our ocean. People are extremely carefree when it comes to their own trash and do not even think for a second where the plastic bags, wraps, bottles go when it’s swept by the wind. 
4ocean, Ocean Blue Project and Clean Ocean Action are just some examples of organizations that are helping clean up the oceanThey also plan out beach clean ups for mostly around the world so that volunteers can be part of a better and cleaner ocean. The plastic that ends up in the ocean starts from the beach then it gets swept by the ocean currents into the bigger part of the ocean but if we keep the beach clean then this should decrease the amount of pollution we have in the ocean.
I was inspired to do this kind of topic because of an artist named Banksy, he created a sculpture of a dolphin that has a plastic stuck around its head. Also, the commercials we see on our television about how our Earth is becoming extremely polluted because of the humans just throwing their trash anywhere and leaving them without even hesitating on where the trash will end up. The society we live in is seriously a mess, people are not aware that whatever they throw out of their car window will not hurt them but eventually karma will get back at them by the amount of years we have to save the Earth

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