Monday, December 16, 2019


My final project is based on social issues that I related to such as things revolving around mental health and being your true authentic self. As a film student, I created a visual piece to decipher what I wanted to showcase to the class. There is this a stigma still around that it's not okay to talk about your feelings or be okay with who you are. This bothers me so much that I wanted to bring awareness to it. Some people can get influenced by the idea to be someone else and that they're not any value. We shouldn't leave judgement based on what is trending and cool at the moment. It's much even worst at the time we live in because things can become viral instantly and that your reputation can be diminished. I am someone who always tries to be an advocate and voice out to others that it's okay and to greet people and how they are doing. I feel that more people need to this in the world. There's a reason why there's so many self help books and why people are going to therapist to figure out what's wrong. When in reality, yes we are all not perfect human beings, but we all have struggles and that in reality we shouldn't shut someone out because they aren't the same as us.
I battle with this every day. The idea that everything looks okay on the surface when in reality you don't know what's going thru someone's mind. People already voice who they are already but we still need more of that for the future generations so they don't get corrupted that they have to change themselves. You are the only one that knows yourself so don't have some question your identity.

An artist I looked into was Shantell Martin, the British designer with more than an inkling for comic-driven style, specifically in black and white. She states that, "Everyone is in a rush these days! Take your time, do what you love, be honest with yourself and others around you, educate yourself about all aspects of the business from taxes to contracts to preservation of your works and also do an audit of your strengths and weaknesses and THEN create a plan to focus on those weak points. We no longer live in a day and age where artist can get away with simply making art (unless you're extremely privileged). "From feelings of alienation to messages of empowerment, connects with my project. Also, the idea of writing on clothing, I wanted to include in my film. She also focuses on finding self in drawing.
She also mentions for her, this goes back to being a kid who is mixed race, having people trying to say that I had to be this or I had to be that. I was like, “No, I can just be me.” Regardless of the medium, regardless of the industry, I’m going to do what I want. I’m going to collaborate with who I want. I’m going to say yes to projects that interest me.
If you write out “WHO ARE YOU,” you’ll see that the first three letters are W A Y. So essentially it’s about trying to find your way in life. About asking ourselves that question by posing it to the outside world.

“WHO ARE YOU” eventually turned into “YOU ARE YOU,” which is a destination. Then “YOU ARE YOU” became “ARE YOU YOU,” because when you get to that destination and figure out who you are, you have to start all again, in a different way. You’re asking that initial question of “who are you?” or “how are you finding your way?”—but you’re asking it in a new, unique way.

I think about text and what type of visuals and size for creating the piece.

When it comes to my project these are all connections that relate to it. There’s a common pattern amongst the project and what I want to do. Regarding to how I want to execute it and create. I’m just honestly tired of society. We live in a fucked up world. I just want people to own up to themselves and who they are and stop trying to project to this so called perfect life or wannabe life. It’s interesting to see other artists and what they’ve done. I don’t like being influenced by other people’s work but it’s interesting to see what people have done. That’s me owning up to this is what is important to me to be able to express how I feel and that I feel it’s problematic that there’s so many toxic people out there. If people, make projects or films or whatever related about people creating fake personalities than that’s an issue. Psychological abuse and being messed up by people who don’t really take the time to get to know their own selves. Trying to find people to just fill their void and rely on others to find the answers for them. When in reality, no one can ever really figure you, but yourself.

Script from Video
I know you think that I’ve got this all figured out
but in reality I still struggle with my life just like you do
I always heard that I was too sensitive 
I cry too much
I was overthinking it
I just have to deal 
I’m stressing way too much 
and that
 I need to just be grateful for what I already have 

ok but to be honest that’s who I am

If only colors could physically depict your mood
maybe we would be able to understand each other better 
that I’m actually 
literally feeling blue right now
would that make you respond to me faster
because you can physically see that I’m hurt
because I had to have a color  show you that I’m not doing okay
maybe there wouldn’t be so much assumptions and miscommunication in the air
like on that day 
I went to eat pizza by myself 
and to you 
that might be awkward 
but the truth is 
I didn’t really care that much that I ate alone
the truth was that I was just really hungry

then there was another night that I sat in my room by myself
fighting the endless thoughts in my head 
you thought everything was ok on the surface with me
but in reality 
I just wanted to find an excuse to not do what I had to get done

let’s go on airplane mode for a moment 
because I believe sometimes 
it’s ok to shut the outside world 
and that it can exist without me for awhile 

I hate that media can easily influence us 
and so this is my response to that. 
Burn the idea that you have to be someone you’re not 
burn the idea that when you’re feeling someone is judging you and that you’re not good enough 
burn the idea that you need to go back to your ex who honestly doesn’t give  a shit about you anymore 
why? because you deserve better 

I honestly Hope you know that it’s not always like this
of all the times I’ve spent not being me, I hated myself
the truth is 
this is who I am
and I’m learning each day to accept it
I’m so over people who tell me
don’t let that thing bother you ruin your day
but if I’m upset right now
then I’m going to be upset 
who said anything about ruining my day
I remind myself that I need to Feel what I need to feel
whenever I’m feeling it
I am no longer available for things that make me feel like shit
We are changing the world with our intentions and our feelings. 
and that’s how it should be

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