Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Final project

My final semester project talks about immigration. Not just immigration in general, but more specific the immigrants that are trapped in america. It is estimated that a total of 12 million people live in america that are undocumented and still aren't documented. For example, my father is one of them. As a person immigrating into a different country one was perceived as america being the country of “the american dream” in the middle of the early 90’s. However, after coming and experiencing how it is being an immigrant living in america it is nothing like being the american dream. Over the years many topics have been brought up about immigration reform. Immigration being a big topic to change has lead to no solutions. My project talks about the people living in these current situations that are trapped in a cage with no solution. What I decided to do was make a newspaper and a petition. One person who simply inspired me to do this project is my father. For the simple fact that he goes through a whole issue that thousands go through. Yet, every undocumented person goes through a different experience that is rough. One thing that does not change, is their struggled trapped in a cage. Everyone has their struggles and figure it out. In many cases they have no way of figuring out unless a miracle happens. Migrating from his country of origin into a country and not knowing when he will be able to go back.

working as an immigrant
 Everyone has their own story. At some point of life everyone 

experience rough times. Some more then other, some bigger the others. nonetheless, they are still struggles that we face. As an immigrant living in America finding a job that pays good regardless of how well one is education, and credible they will still always have a disadvantage finding a job they deserve. Most well ranked company's require that their employees have the proper documents to work. For many immigrants they do not have these

Hesham @@@@@ (full name is not included for privacy purposes)

Zeyad:What was your reasoning coming to the united states?  

Hesham: Actually coming to America was my wife's idea. She thought we would have a better life if we would come to America. "you know how woman are and how easily they manipulate them into talking you to things".  At the time I use to work in a company that produces olives, it was one of the biggest producers in Egypt. I decided to leave it behind because America seemed too good to be true. 

Zeyad: what were your first initial experience coming to America?

Hesham: it was nothing like I expected. I use to work at a 7/11 shop in Pennsylvania. One of my friends at the time came to was living in America so he was helpful enough for offering his place for me and m family to stay. The biggest issue I had was understanding the language. People sounded stupid to me. I tried understanding what they were saying but never could 

Hesham @@@@@ (full name is not included for privacy purposes)

Zeyad:What was your reasoning coming to the united states?  

Hesham: Actually coming to America was my wife's idea. She thought we would have a better life if we would come to America. "you know how woman are and how easily they manipulate them into talking you to things".  At the time I use to work in a company that produces olives, it was one of the biggest producers in Egypt. I decided to leave it behind because America seemed too good to be true. 

Zeyad: what were your first initial experience coming to America?

Hesham: it was nothing like I expected. I use to work at a 7/11 shop in Pennsylvania. One of my friends at the time came to was living in America so he was helpful enough for offering his place for me and m family to stay. The biggest issue I had was understanding the language. People sounded stupid to me. I tried understanding what they were saying but never could 

I am writing today not to sorrow the lives of immigrants, not to demote them. However, a call for help. Together we can change immigration reform. Reforms are only as strong as their supporters. As a community if we stand together to make a change it will happen. 
One main concern and issue that needs to be changed are the current people who work in America that are undocumented. These tax payers should be entitled to receive citizenship. They contribute the same amount of effort as anyone else living in the country do. The current process of how immigrants enter the country also needs to be changed.


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