Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Final Project-Animal Cruelty in Fashion

     My Final Project is about animal cruelty in fashion. My goal in this project was to inform the audience about the brutal usage of animals for statement pieces and how they can find better alternatives when buying their products. The issue is, many designers say they are against animal cruelty, but many of their customers never really know what goes on behind the scenes. Some celebrities like Beyonce were put on blast for having a pair of white shoes that were made from snakes and other animal skins. Events like the Met Gala were also put on blast by many animal activists for celebrities wearing feathers.

      I am not doing this project to scold people on the consumption of animals, but rather remind them that we have the technology to make faux fur items and test on things other than rabbits. No other animal should be tortured alive to be just another fur coat or a pair of pumps. Animals do have a reason to be alive and some of these animals I've chosen have done good in our ecosystem... Which is wildly overlooked.
      I, myself, love dressing in nice clothing, but, I always look for animal cruelty-free products. Whenever I would see a fur-coat store (yes, they still exist), I cringe in disgust. Imagine wearing the skin of a human... Disgusting, am I right? We shouldn't be wearing the skins of animals anymore. Hopefully, I can spread my knowledge and inform people on how to spend their money wisely, all the while respecting our ecosystem. No animal should never go extinct for our fashion tastes.
      Peta's celebrity animal cruelty posters have inspired me as well as artist Jo Frederiks' painting, "Kill to Dress". I was, at first, curious about these works and looked into Peta's and Fredriks' other works. I made an informational poster that will hopefully catch the eye of others. I wanted to make my piece interactive so people can be lured in and will read about what is happening to animals for the sake of fashion.

*I have added a link to the powerpoint. The powerpoint is a summary of the information on the board I've made and more helpful to tips to shop cruelty-free.

My inspirations for this project:

In-Depth Presentation:

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