Monday, December 2, 2019

Final Project

Besem Etta-Ashu

Final Project

December 4, 2019


This artwork is meant to empower women of all races, genders, identities, and ethnicities to be proud of who they are and to keep being their phenomenal selves no matter what others might say or think of them. I want women to know that they are Queens. Queens do not lower their standards or expectations of others in order to fit in or be accepted. Never, ever lower your standards of greatness to be accepted and loved by someone who does not even know your middle name or care about your aspirations and dreams. Queens do not need recognition in order to be noticed, Queens are the recognitions others seek to find. Be unapologetically you. Never apologize for walking the way you walk; talking the way you talk; dreaming unbelievable accomplishments; or being the phenomenal Queen that you are. Your presence alone is a threat to others and your success is a wish amongst others. No two shades of color are the same. My dark skin color is not the same as any other black skin color and neither is yours. We all have a uniquely distinct color, heights, weights, shape, etc that can not be found anywhere else in the world. The females portrayed in the drawing are nobody else but YOU. When you look at this picture I want you to see yourself rather than imagine someone else who you think is greater than you. You are a Queen, you are enough, in fact, you are more than enough so do not let the negativity of others tilt that majestical crown off your head. Queens are phenomenal women. You are a phenomenal woman. Phenomenal woman is who you are today, tomorrow and forever. 

For the written portion of my project, I decided to pick Maya Angelou's poem, Phenomenal Woman. This poem is truly the real meaning of women's empowerment. " Now you understand Just why my head's is not bowed. I don't shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, It ought to make you proud." This is just a short verse from the poem Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. This verse is really inspiring and powerful because it explains how much power we women have within us. We don't even need words to come out of our mouths in order for our presence to be noticed. When we walk into a room or pass by others, our presence already says more than we ever could say using words.

The way in which I displayed my final project to my audience was by posting a picture of my project on my Instagram as well as writing the message in which I wanted my final project to convey, which is the first paragraph in this post. People who saw my post became inspired by the message and the project began reposting my artwork on their social media platform to continue this chain of women empowerment awareness that I began. People also began commenting on my post what they thought of the artwork and how they felt about it. It was amazing to realize how powerful a picture can be once its message is revealed or understood. 

The amazing thing about my project is I do not need to tell others what I meant by creating this artwork, just by simply looking at the artwork people could already realize the message hidden within the art piece. That is the incredible power that lies within art. Sometimes words are not needed or a necessary tool in order to convey the deeper message in which artists want their audience to understand. Art is what you make of it. In the Feast and Famine gallery, Ms. Anonda Bell who was the curator said that " there's no right or wrong answer to art. Art is what you make it. Everyone sees art differently" and I absolutely agree with her. Some people saw my final project as a really nice drawing and that I have great skills. While others found a deeper meaning to realize that my project is a great way of empowering women to never underestimate the power that lies within them. 


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