Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Post 3 - Inspiration


One of the projects that inspired mine was The Ocean Cleanup, The Ocean Cleanup is a none-profit organization that are developing advanced technology to help clean up the Ocean. The Ocean Cleanup are mainly targeting the main source of pollution where the garbage is piling up which is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is where most marine debris end up because of the two different currents, the debris get stuck in between them where they cannot go anywhere, thus, this is where they accumulate. The Ocean Cleanup is making a technology that flows with the Ocean current and this technology collects the garbage that passes by its path. This technology is also around the Great Pacific Garbage Patch where it will eventually collect the trash that are piling up because of the two different currents that ocean have. This way, it will eliminate most of the garbage and slowly help the ocean become cleaner. 

Another organization that is helping clean up the ocean is called, 4ocean. 4ocean started in Bali, Indonesia where a beach is covered with plastic bottles. 4ocean has been spread around the world, from Florida, Haiti and Bali by doing so there are a lot of people and volunteers that are helping clean up the ocean. They are also spreading awareness by uploading videos on social media about their invention for cleaning up the ocean. The machine they invented is called the Mobile Skimmer, the Mobile Skimmer is equipped with two hydraulic arms that actually dips down into the water and collect garbage along the way into a conveyor belts where it then falls into a garbage bin on the machine. This helps make the job easier collecting garbage rather than a net which may take longer. This is the first custom made vessel for 4ocean and they will improve it as the years go on. 

These two projects inspired me to do mine because we all know that Ocean pollution is not the only pollution that is active. There are seven types of pollution which are Water, Air, Soil, Thermal, Radioactive, Noise and Light Pollution. If we can at least start getting rid of a few of this pollution, we can help the Earth become a better place to live in since we are suffering from Global Warming, just like Italy where they had flooding. By helping out to clean the ocean we can start to help the marine life get an opportunity to have a better life and actually help them survive for a longer time. Since the ocean is filled with trash, that is what most animals are eating and the plastic that they eat takes a forever to be digested which will make them feel full for a while rather than eating actual food following the marine food pyramid. Cleaning up the ocean will give the marine life a better living situation in order for them to live longer without to actually consume the garbage they see floating around.

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