Saturday, November 23, 2019


My final project revolves around the topics of depression and drug abuse through the music created by “The Weeknd.” The artist I chose to compare to my topics depression and drug abuse reform is Multi-platinum selling singer/songwriter/producer Ben Folds. Although he doesn't match my project in terms of mashing up different instrumentals, he often mashes depressing topics, with heavy subject matter into his writing, and songs. Much like "The Weeknd," Ben Folds is a publically damaged individual. He has been married and divorced four times and now has a girlfriend. His track record with marriage has not been as ideal as he hoped for. In efforts to fill his void of emptiness, he has on numerous occasions turned a mere habit into alcoholism. while being asked, "Do you use any substances when you write your songs?" in an interview he responded "I drink a lot, probably too much. My scene while writing lyrics is always a bottle of scotch and stacks of note cards, pencil and pencil sharpener. I throw around note cards and drink. I think alcohol is a good drug for me when I’m writing...I don’t think it’s good for my liver, but I do love it. It’s a huge part of my life, and it makes me happy." This is quite ironic considering the pain alcoholism has caused him. But this made me ponder the topic of depression and drug abuse. I was looking for an artist that is an avid drug abuser and has depressive tendencies. The Weeknd was an optimal candidate for my search. 

People who are depressed may drink or abuse drugs to lift their mood or escape from feelings of guilt or despair. But substances like alcohol, which is a depressant, can increase feelings of sadness or fatigue. Conversely, people can experience depression after the effects of drugs wear off or as they struggle to cope with how the addiction has impacted their life. Both artists use their lyrics/voice to portray their life and its imperfections. Commonly they share depression and drug abuse and create their work based on true events and/or feelings they are current perceiving. Their work addresses the audience by shedding light upon characteristics all humans have which is a figure in their music representing sentimental value. Whether it is a loved one or significant other, these two artists push controversial topics like depression/drug abuse together along with the expected subject matter by the audience. They use cause and effect into their lyrics which draws the audience's sympathy and increases viewership capital. In my project, I will raise awareness of these issues through the instrumentals used to sing over regarding depression and severe drug abuse. My project really emphasizes music therapy without boldly declaring it. The purpose of my project is to reach every person with the music and they fill in the words to their feelings. The instrumental is there for support but at the end of the day listeners are there for your voice, let yourself listen to your true voice.       

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